How Much Is A Cat Blood Test UK 2024 [Price And Costs]

Blood tests are required at various points in a cat’s life and for a variety of reasons. It may be the case that your vet has indicated your cat needs some blood work done. Or maybe you want to get your cat’s blood tested simply to understand more about your cat and their background.

Either way, if you’re considering getting blood tests, you may be wondering how much a cat blood test costs. In the UK, a cat blood test costs between £50 and £165. This price variance depends on the type of blood test carried out and which UK region you live in.

This article will outline the price and costs of cat blood tests in the UK.

Why Your Cat Might Need A Blood Test

A veterinarian will typically recommend blood tests for your cat if they’re unable to establish any causes for your cat’s ill health. At this stage, your veterinarian will have already carried out a thorough visual and physical examination of your feline friend.

The reasoning behind the blood test is that a cat’s blood may alter when they’re sick, although this isn’t always the case. Cell levels involved in battling an illness often shift in a cat with an infection, for example. Some of the substances ordinarily excreted by the kidneys may be present in larger concentrations in a cat whose kidneys aren’t functioning properly.

Average Cat Blood Test Prices By UK Region

Now you know why your cat may need a blood test. Later we’ll outline the different types of blood tests that can be performed. Now, let’s look at the prices of cat blood tests. It can cost between £50 and £165 to get your cat’s blood tests, and this varies by region.

Inner London Price Average

£105 – £165

Outer London Price Average

£101 – £158

South England Price Average

£96 – £144

Midlands Price Average

£87 – £137

North England Price Average

£85 – £133

Wales Price Average

£65 – £116

Scotland Price Average

£50 – £106

Cat blood tests are more expensive in London and the South of England, as seen by the pricing listed above. It’s cheaper to have blood work done on your cat if you in other parts of the UK. Compared to other parts of the UK, items, goods and services in Southern England are more expensive. People living in London and the South typically have greater earnings, which is why this is the case.

What Type Of Cat Blood Tests Exist?

There are several different types of blood tests that can be carried out on a cat. Some of the tests are designed to identify various medical conditions in your cat.  And some other tests are designed to understand more about your cat’s breed, background and overall health.

Below are some of the most common blood tests performed on cats.

Complete Blood Count Test

A cat’s blood cells are counted and examined during a complete blood count. To the vet, it’s an invaluable source of knowledge, providing them with the following details:

  • Red blood cell (RBC) counts, proportions, and health.
  • White blood cell (WBC) counts, proportions, and health.
  • Platelet counts and health.

A complete blood count can help a vet identify whether your cat is dehydrated, whether they’re suffering from anemia, or fighting an infection. A full blood count can also identify whether your cat is bleeding internally.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) And Creatinine

Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine are chemistries of the blood that are tested as part of a bigger blood panel and are done on a regular basis. It’s possible that a high BUN level indicates dehydration, renal or liver malfunction.

The amount of creatinine is more closely linked to the function of the kidneys. If your cat Is found to have high levels of creatinine, this would indicate that your cat’s kidneys are having a tough time removing the creatinine from their body. This could mean your cat may be suffering from kidney disease.

Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) And Bilirubin

Routine blood panels commonly include ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and bilirubin as blood chemistries. They are primarily a measure of liver health, and if they are too high, it typically means that the liver is malfunctioning in some way.

How To Prepare Your Cat For A Blood Test

In order to get the most precise and dependable results from a blood test, make sure your cat is well prepared beforehand. Below are tips and advice that you can use to ensure your feline friend is ready for their blood test.

Put Your Cat On A Fast

Avoid feeding your cat for your about 7 hours before the blood test appointment. While this may not always be possible based on the condition and health of your cat, stick as close to the 7 hour fast as you can.

If your cat eats close to the appointment time, then the fat droplets that can appear in the bloodstream as a result could interfere with the integrity of the blood test.

Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Even dehydration that is not noticeable to the human eye can hamper the accuracy of a blood test. For this reason, be sure to keep plenty of water near your cat and encourage them to drink.

No Physical Exertion Before The Appointment

If you play with your cat or give your cat some exercise close to the appointment time then this could diminish the reliability of the blood test. It’s therefore best to avoid any exercise at least 4 hours before the appointment time.

Final Thoughts On How Much Is A Cat Blood Test UK

The price of a cat blood test differs quite a lot depending on where you live in the UK. It’s not that the quality or accuracy of the blood tests differs, rather it’s because wags are lower outside of London, and as a result the cost of goods and services are lower.

Considering it’s not cheap to get cat blood tests done in the UK, if you do go ahead and get blood work done, make sure you get your money’s worth. This means making sure your cat is properly prepared and ready for their test, like making sure they haven’t eaten at least 7 hours before the appointment.  This will help to ensure the blood test results are as dependable and consistent as possible.